Will a tax cut induce people to work more?
This issue can be addressed within the context of a model of labor supply. In particular, a model of utility maximizing agents facing what is known as the labor-leisure tradeoff is particularly appropriate. This EconModel application considers both a percentage income tax and a fixed dollar tax or rebate.
Model Link:
Labor Supply,
Income Taxes, and Transfer Payments
the model links>
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The labor-leisure tradeoff is based on a utility function that depends
on two goods, consumption and leisure. This application analyzes
two utility functions:
For either utility function, you can draw indifference curves and a budget constraint. Repeating this process for range of wage rates allows you to:
Under certain conditions, you obtain the famous Backward-Bending Labor Supply Curve that shows labor supplied decreasing as the wage rate increases.
Classic Economic Models
Overview of Micro Models
Supply and Demand
Basic Supply and Demand
Who Pays a Sales Tax?
The Cobweb Model and
Inventory-Based Pricing
Theory of the Firm
Perfect Competition
Monopoly and
Monopolistic Competition
Price Discrimination
The Demand for Labor
Theory of the Consumer
Two Goods - Two Prices
Intertemporal Substitution
Labor Supply, Income Taxes,
and Transfer Payments
Overview of Macro Models
Models in Chronological Order
The Classical Model
The Simple Keynesian Model
The Keynesian IS/LM Model
The Mundell-Fleming Model
Real Business Cycles
The IS/MP Model
The Solow Growth Model
Financial Markets
Utility-Based Valuation of Risk
Mean-Variance Analysis:
Risk vs. Expected Return
Fixed Income Securities:
Mortgage/Bond Calculator
Growth Investments:
Present Value Calculator